Avlea BitKit Blue Poppy Cross Stitch



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A beautiful little border of blue poppies makes a lovely eyeglass or tool kit bag. The traditional color palette of blue, red, and black is found in much ancient and Byzantine art. This kit comes with the lining fabric and instructions to make the drawstring bag as shown. The How to Sew a Drawstring Bag video on the How To page will show you how to finish this design into a drawstring bag. 

Finished size of bag: 3-1/4 x 8-1/2 inches

Stitch count: 13x87/601 total sts/544 backstitches

My high quality kits come with everything you need to make the embroidery in the photos--26ct Traditional Groundcloth 100% cotton (imported from Greece), lining fabric, DMC floss, full color SOC (symbol-on-chart) pattern, along with a John James size 24 tapestry needle. The raw edges of the fabric are serged for your convenience, so you can start stitching as soon as you open the kit!